Directed by Trey Nelson
this film stars Josh Duhamel, Josh Wiggins, Lynn Collins, Emma Fuhrmann.The story of John, a small-time crook, who finds an unlikely accomplice in Louis, a newly-orphaned teenage boy. As their open-road adventure progresses and John drags the kid on a string of...
Gross (US): ............................. $n/a
Gross (Foreign): .................. $n/a
Gross (Total): ........................ $n/a
Lost in the Sun (2015) in the United States movie theaters released on November 6, 2015; dvd and blu-ray release date was set for December 1, 2015. Netflix and Redbox rental date is December 29, 2015.
In the United Kingdom «Lost in the Sun» released in movie theaters on February 18, 2016. The movie estimated to release on dvd and blu-ray some time in May or June 2016.